Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Strength, Dignity & Laughter

I constantly find myself searching for that perfect bible verse, phrase or quote that will just speak to me and give me that inspiration needed to keep on going throughout the day. Which is why I am a big reader. However, this time around a dear friend of my sent me this bible verse which has kept me going all week long. We, women, are clothed in Strength and Dignity by God, and should not live life in sadness and tears. On the contrary, we should let the past sit in the past, live in the present and laugh without fear of what the future may hold. I am definitely starting to let go of what I can't change through courage.

Have a fabulous day and God Bless!


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Over the Moon

Once I heard there would be a Lunar Eclipse I knew I would be staying up late to both watch and photograph it. This is actually the first time I have experienced a lunar eclipse from start to end. The words amazing, beautiful and grand just don't completely encompass how mesmerizing the view was, all taken from our balcony and a 300mm lens. I am truly amazed at God's work, his creation in this galaxy. He created and planned everything to the milli-second and just to know we get to see this with our human eyes is awe-inspiring. The moon, 238,900 miles away, just completely had me all giddy and over the moon as I watched it put on a show for us here on Earth.

Until next time...thank you for stopping by!


Monday, February 24, 2014

A Lighthouse

Point Vicente Lighthouse - Palos Verdes
This picture was taken about two years ago and every time I come across it there is just something about it that is mesmerizing. Don't you agree. One might say the colors of this photograph and how they contrast one another, others may say it's the view but what catches my eye is that towering lighthouse overlooking the ocean. It must be one heck of a view from top. Then I begin to think what big storms it has endured and yet it sits so beautifully on the edge of a cliff. One can learn from a lighthouse. Those that navigate the seas rely on its light and to me that would be God. For as I navigate life in this world He is my light. We too, should always stand firm and tall! "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path," -Psalms 119: 105. 

Thank you for reading!

x Luisa

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Do not be anxious

KaLu Photography
We are living in a time where the 24 hours given in a day are no longer enough. We've hit this frantic state where everything must be done now! What ever happened to enjoying the weekend or taking a break. It has become really hard to push that pause button and actually savor a special time of freedom and solitude. We have forgotten what is best for our mental state and have chosen this life of anxiety, always on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Have we not learned yet that we are in control and we have one mighty God who tells us not to be anxious. In Matthew 6:25-26 we are told to "look at the birds of the air," why you might ask. Well, they do not worry then why should we. Time to set our priorities straight....I'm still learning as I write and live life.

Thank you for stopping by,

x Luisa

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

No Path is Easy

(Photo by KaLu Photography)

These past mornings as I hike through the mountains I have been doing some self-reflection, on my life path. (For those who don't know me: I am a thinker, sometimes too much). And I have come to the conclusion that it is that narrow path full of bumps, uneven pavement, unexpected turns and tiring uphills that gives one the endurance and hope to not give up and keep on thriving. Today, as I ventured on a new hiking trail and propelled my body forward on an incline, the sun hit my face and I suddenly imagined God just right next to me, giving me that extra push I needed. Then I realized that I didn't need to picture God next to me, He is always with me. It is truly amazing to know that one can count on Him at all times. Then John 14:6 came to mind, "Jesus answered, I am the way, the truth and the life." Isn't this so perfect!

Thank you for reading and have a blessed day.

x Luisa