Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Strength, Dignity & Laughter

I constantly find myself searching for that perfect bible verse, phrase or quote that will just speak to me and give me that inspiration needed to keep on going throughout the day. Which is why I am a big reader. However, this time around a dear friend of my sent me this bible verse which has kept me going all week long. We, women, are clothed in Strength and Dignity by God, and should not live life in sadness and tears. On the contrary, we should let the past sit in the past, live in the present and laugh without fear of what the future may hold. I am definitely starting to let go of what I can't change through courage.

Have a fabulous day and God Bless!


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Over the Moon

Once I heard there would be a Lunar Eclipse I knew I would be staying up late to both watch and photograph it. This is actually the first time I have experienced a lunar eclipse from start to end. The words amazing, beautiful and grand just don't completely encompass how mesmerizing the view was, all taken from our balcony and a 300mm lens. I am truly amazed at God's work, his creation in this galaxy. He created and planned everything to the milli-second and just to know we get to see this with our human eyes is awe-inspiring. The moon, 238,900 miles away, just completely had me all giddy and over the moon as I watched it put on a show for us here on Earth.

Until next time...thank you for stopping by!
