Friday, June 28, 2013

Throw Your Hands Up

Photo taken by Karen.
I hope that when Friday comes rolling in you also want to throw your hands up in the air! Not only have you completed a week of hard work, give yourself a pat in the back, but the weekend is here. So as we prepare for the weekend think of ways you can manage your time wisely, fully enjoying quality time with your family and friends, or even some alone time. I'm still not sure what this weekend has in store but I do enjoy last minute road trips. That's exactly what my family and I did last weekend. A mini road trip from the valley to the ocean and right in the middle of Hwy 126 we stopped to buy some local fruit in the beautiful city of Fillmore, CA. Getting away from the city is just what I needed.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

She did it.


The Graduate.
 Hugging it out.
I patiently waited at the built-in bleachers, under the scorching sun, for my baby sister to march in with her cap and gown. I had been waiting for this day for a couple of years now and even though 2 weeks have gone by since her graudation day I can't help myself but share the excitement. I had this colgate smile when we spotted each other and you can just imagine how excited she was to culminate the years of hard work as a Child Development & Art student. Only tears of joy, smiles and hugs can express how utterly proud I am that she accomplished this dream. Now we are both Cal State LA alumni, history has been made!


All images and content, unless otherwise stated, are property of KaLu Photography.