Monday, July 8, 2013

Stress Free Weekend



We all have those weekends that just fly and we wonder where time went but when that one weekend, where the calendar is empty, comes around well if you are like me I just take full advantage. Now, let me just tell you how much I love nature,  and if you are like me I like to spend those two days out on the road away from the city. First of all, a special thank you to my BFF and her BF for inviting us to our first bonfire this summer. It was filled with laughter, fond memories, yummy hot dogs and s'mores!! We watched the sun set on the west side at the beautiful Huntington Beach, where I was able to meet Kyla Ross (member of the gold medal-winning US Women's Gymnastics team at the 2012 Summer Olympics aka The Fierce Five). I was super excited! Then on Saturday with a full gas tank we ventured out to the city of Thousand Oaks where I visited a horse ranch and met Ace. One day, in the near future, I would love to own a horse... as you can see we had a special bonding moment. Hope you also had a pleasant weekend! I look forward to these stress free days, they just give me the energy I need for a brand new work week.


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